There were ladies waiting outside the door at 9:00 o'clock to get some of the great bargains that were to be had on Saturday, were you one of them?
Even those who treated themselves to a late rise on Saturday morning were still thrilled with the selection that was available later in the day.
With four tables loaded with "stuff" there was a great selection.
If you decided too late to be a vendor in this Garage Sale, then start purging your stash for next time. As you work away at your crafting, and come across "stuff" that you don't use, set it aside in a box and be ready next time. It's really easy to be a vendor. All you do is register for a $5.00 space, mark all your "stash" at a great price so you don't take it home again with you, and that's all there is to it. Doesn't have to be full packages even, just mark it accordingly.
Did you see in the newsletter that we've opened another date for the Spring All Day Card Class?
If you missed out the first time, then get into the store or call so that you can reserve your spot on this new date.
It's April 5th 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
I know the snow will still be on the ground, but we can think spring just the same! The snow is going, slowly just the way we want it to.

Remember I've been telling you about the cable mittens that I helped a customer with recently?
Marilyn's pattern called for a medium weight yarn and she was knitting with an extra bulky. To be able to work the cable in and to figure out the right number of stitches so that the mitten was a mitten, rather than an oven mitt, we basically re-wrote the pattern. Marilyn was very tenacious, and although she had a false start she stuck with it and her grand daughter is thrilled with the mittens I hear.
Marilyn's now starting on an intricate sweater with cables.

I've been working steady this week cutting kits for the upcoming card day, and helping Linda as she creates layouts for the upcoming Mega Crop Weekend.
Consequently I haven't created much this week. I did however have an itch to make one of those felt bracelets that I showed you last week though. So take a look at last week's bracelet here (just scroll down a little).
Here's my interpretation of the same bracelet.
Do you see the similarities?
Speaking of the Spring Mega Crop Weekend. Planning is well underway for that now, but we do have a few spots left if you've been tardy in registering.
Call us and get a kick start on your layouts and albums again.
That's what one registrant was telling me today. She needed a kick start to get going again. She plans on coming into the store so that we can help her with some planning beforehand.
You can be so much more productive on the weekend with a little planning and prep. We'll be expecting to see Barb in shortly with her photos and layout decisions, as she chooses the paper to go with them.
By sorting your photos into groups of 6-10 photos per double page layout, putting a sketch or map with them along with paper and embellishments, you have a greater opportunity of being more productive.
I'm forever reminding people that if they were to knit a pair of mittens for example, or sew a dress, they would start first with a pattern.

Mine never ends up looking like the original sketch as I change it up to suit my photos, but it gives me the jumping off point that I need.
Here's a layout that we used at an earlier Mega Crop. Anyone recognise it? Did you know that by mirror imaging your sketch, or flipping it, you can get a totally different look as well.
Don't forget too, that we are offering a class in which we will show you how to put together 6 quick single page layouts. These could be extended to double page layouts later if you chose. If you weren't one of the lucky ones to receive this class as an early bird registrant, you can still participate for just $20.00.
Let us know if you'd like to, so that we can get your kit cut.
By using a few strands of extra bulky yarn and your two arms as knitting needles, in a very short time you can create an infinity scarf.
If you look on the right sidebar, there are further tutorials for the knitting and finishing of this cowl.
We have a number of extra bulky yarns in stock if you feel a need to try this craft.
Here's the link to the design and the how to for the embroidery stitches as well.
All the supplies that you see here, can be purchased at the Craft Nook.
The words for the week are as much for you, as perhaps for a friend of yours that you can reach out to.
We all live busy lives and too soon forget to stop and take time to reach out to one another.
Do you have a friend who has forgotten the words and needs you to sing them back to them?
Until Later....Happy Crafting
Thanks for featuring my Easter Egg! There are so many different things that you can do with the pattern. I hope your readers enjoy it,