If you watch even one news channel on TV, I'm sure you will have heard about the birth of the new heir to the throne. A lovely bouncing boy as yet not named. We had a new bouncing boy in our family recently, he arrived without the media hype, but still takes a very special place in our family.
I began to wonder how different their wardrobes might be. Would the new prince have sweaters lovingly knitted for him by a grandma?
I was privileged to see whilst I was in England earlier this year, a beautiful cabled sweater knitted for our new baby boy by his grandma. The neatest thing about this sweater was that it was a duplicate of one knitted by my sister-in-law for her son. So now father and son have beautiful matching sweaters to wear when they are out for walks together.
This line of thinking took me to my favourite knitting/crochet site at Ravelry.
Are you a knitter or crocheter and you haven't found this resource yet? They have an amazing number of patterns and many of them are free for you to use, so hop over there and take a look. When I was looking for patterns, there were 3,825 people looking at that site...can you imagine?
If you haven't learned to crochet yet but would like to, here's a blog that has some great visuals to learn .
Are you the lucky owner of a
Silhouette Electronic Cutting machine?
Whether you have or choose the Cameo or Portrait model, are you using it to it's full potential?
Not only does it cut paper and cardstock, it cuts vinyl, fabric and much more. You can print with it, colour with it, make custom decor, temporary tattoos, scrapbook pages, cards, the list goes on.
What I want to mention to you today though is how you can use it to etch on glass.
By making your own stencil on your Silhouette, which you apply to a drinking glass, vase, dish, window, mirror or any other glass of your choice, you can change a plain ordinary piece into a work of art.
Along with your Silhouette you need some very basic supplies, such as a paint brush and of course the Armour Etch Cream. Both of which we have in stock at the store.
Here are some ideas.
If you find yourself taking one of your dishes to a pot luck meal, how clever is this to have your name etched onto it...no mistaking your pan then.

Or for those upcoming Christmas gifts personalize a plain glass or jug to make it super special. Either one would also be a lovely wedding gift too.
Or maybe you're feeling adventurous and would like the challenge of dressing up a mirror like this?
Whatever level of etching art you would like to try, drop into the store and we can show you a simple candle jar that we etched on and step you through the process.
Here's another Christmas gift idea to get a head start on. You know it's never to soon if you're a crafter and like to make your gifting personal.

A while ago now I mentioned to you about the clipboards that my daughter Sandra and her son Jonathan made for his teachers for the end of school year.
Here are the six boards that they made for his homeroom teachers, gym teachers, music teacher and school secretary. Can you figure out which is which?
With some scrapbook paper, images cut on her Silhouette Electronic cutter, post it notes, cork board and a calendar, these plain clipboard took on an entirely different look.
Aren't they not only delightfully personal, but totally useful too.
His gym teacher even had him sign hers.
Well I hope I've once again inspired you in some way to get busy with your crafting, or maybe try something new.
Until Later...Happy Crafting
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