Do you like to do that, not on the ocean, but on the Internet?
Linda says I've too much time on my hands, and maybe I do because I no longer have a family to raise and run after as she does. I've had my turn and quite honestly I like the little extra minutes I have here and there to "surf" the web.
Though I'm definitely not a "social media" person, I love the fact that I can actually see my family's homes from the roadside in Australia or England. That I can chat on Skype as if I'm in the same room as people so far away from me. That we were caught not once, but twice, on a webcam.
But more than even that I love what an amazing resource it is and no matter which country you live in you can find information from where ever and for what ever interests you.
You'll be well aware that crafting pretty much as a whole interests me so that's one of the resources I search for. One resource I use when scrapbooking, and I use many, is Scrapbook Update.
There are often interesting articles that cause you to step outside the box and try something you may not otherwise try. There has just been a three part series run on "Using Color Palettes to Inspire your Layout."
Do you sometimes find yourself drawn to the same color palette?
Though the style that is shown on Scrapbook Update is quite different to mine, I did find some interesting features.
If you read this article perhaps it will help you try new colours, but bear in mind it's a three part article, so may take you some time.
You can find the first part here. Here they touch on how colour palettes can help in your product selection and also direct you to a site that helps you find colours that work together, link here. By adjusting the R,G,B levers on the top left colour square and then clicking "go get it", you will be given colour choices that work together. Great for when you're decorating too.
Part two is here. Here they give you some ideas on design and discuss such things as the rule of thirds.
I particularly liked this colour palette and how they spoke of Halloween colours being mainly orange and black and yet when you link them with these other colours, how interesting it becomes.

Some time ago now I mentioned to you how Rachel had made a doll for a cousin, Jessica, that she met for just a few hours last summer. I have told you more than once that I'd post the photos for you to see, but realize on a Monday evening that once again I don't have them...however tonight I do, so here they are for you to see what an incredible job our 13 year old budding seamstress did.
Rachel gave Jessica the responsibility of naming her doll and she chose the name of Isabel Sunflower.

Do you see the sewn on tag that says made by Rachel?

And this is Jessica giving me the thumbs up after she completed the walk for life recently with her Mommy in England, for which I sponsored her. Such a happy smile don't you think?
Linda and I are often busy preparing for future classes behind the scenes and that's the case right now as we've just booked the Independent Community Room for our Summer All Day Card Class on July 20th.
Once again we will be making a minimum of ten cards in five hours, so if you want to join us don't delay as there will be a cap on the numbers for this class.
Good news is that we're almost half way toward completion of the ten sample cards...hooray! Well maybe one third of the way...still that's just since Friday when we booked the room...not so bad. Maybe I'll give you a sneak peek next week.
Well have I hit on your craft yet? Maybe you're a card maker and excited to hear that we are offering our bi-weekly class on the opposite week as well now and also on another day that may just suit your schedule better?
We've been challenged over the last months to accommodate our card maker's. Often having to tell them, sorry the class is full and overflowing. Hence the decision to add the extra, albeit the same class the following week on the Wednesday, so now there's no reason to miss out on an evening of fun, learning and laughter.
These classes are technique classes. A little different to the All Day Classes as we are able to work more one on one in these with time to instruct a technique or two, so join us to learn more of a craft that you love.

I really love the way the Spellbinder was taken off the top of the card with the cute little kitten in the centre, don't you? Banners continue to be a hit on both cards and scrapbook pages after quite a long time now. Notice also how the bottom border is turned up the opposite way. Yes and last but not least, I do like all the machine stitching on the card. A lovely card indeed.
Until Later....Happy Crafting
Well I can't leave without wishing my dear sisters an early "Happy Birthday" in two more days. You're cards are winging their way to their respective homes.
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