You may have thought that we'd dropped off the face of the earth but we haven't.
As you know, our last day at the store was Saturday June 28th after which we spent the next two days disassembling all of our racking and moving out of our unit.
It sure didn't look the same...
Our last few days were certainly a pleasure.
In true fashion, Lilian was giving instruction right to the very end as she gave one of our crafters a reminder on latch hooking. But that's not to say that all of her time was spent working!
Lilian may have gotten the pleasure of cuddles but we both did enjoy meeting someone who's mommy I'm sure will teach her to be a crafter too. And what a surprise that they drove about four hours just to catch us before we closed!
Along with numerous visits from long-time customers and beautiful flowers being hand delivered, we also enjoyed some show-and-tell.
You know how we love show-and-tell! This particular customer is a busy crafter all year long.
This photo shows just two of the treasures she creates with the use of her Knifty Knitter Looms. These two lovely characters will join many, many, many more in the Christmas Shoe Box program in December. A true crafter - always sharing!
Since our store closed, Lilian and I have taken a little bit of a rest but this week we surprised one of our friends with a visit and then connected with another today.
So good to see them both again and enjoy their company! Of course, being crafters, we took along some show-and-tell ourselves!
My first week at home was spent tearing apart my rec room and re-creating my crafting space to accommodate both of my crafty girls. Now Rachel has her own space where her sewing machine can sit ready for use so she is now back to working on her T-shirt quilt with Gamma (Lilian). We'll share her progress soon!
With the addition of a much larger craft table, my Emily too has her own workspace.
Take a look at this lovely bouquet of flowers she created to brighten up the room of our friend. Emily taught herself to make these five petal origami flowers from her favourite magazine - and let me tell you they were very well received!
So, you can imagine just how much crafting we have planned in my house this summer, not to mention what Lilian will be up to! Be sure to check our blog again because we do like to share!
Happy Crafting!